Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A funny experience...

Always thought would write funny stuff when I do get an opportunity to write. Or rather when I would come round to sit still at a place with a pen, other than for school exams.

Turns out, I have turned too darned serious. And I am not even old..My blog doesn't reflect my fun loving side at all..My "sense" of humor gets triggered among like-minded people, who love a good belly-jiggle. So let me share a friend's funny experience.

My husband told us (we of the belly-jiggle group) about a colleague's experience in China. He (the colleague, that is, lets call him M) is fond of food. But in China, he lost a lot of weight due to lack of edible (by Indian standards at least) fare.

At a dinner party organised by the client, M was gratified to see leg pieces (those belonging to chicken). But a friend cautioned him to check out the originating body, if it belonged to a chicken proper or some other exotic oriental animal.

So M approached the server and in his best Bollywood style, pantomimed a rooster and asked "kukdookoo"???????? The server shook his head and said "Bhow-Bhow".

M fortuitiously avoided getting his dharam-bhrast (literal meaning religiosity destroyed) but went without food for another night. He however provided fodder for us to jiggle over.


  1. it is really funny Swagata. thank god there was not a dhram bhrast! lest ...........

