A new era in Indian television begins. Yash Raj television has put absolutely the best foot forward with its programs.
The production values are good, hip and for a change they have hired real writers. Seven, Rishta.com are some good, clean young and hep series.
The ace of the cake is Mahi Way. A 25 year old Punjabi girl with weight issues, deals with a size-zero obsessed world and the whirlpool of romance. Pushtiie S plays the main protaganist. She works in the fierce fashion mag world. And I admit I had thought YRF TV has copied and remixed themes from the 'Devil wears Prada' and 'Ugly Bety'/'Jassi Jaisi koi Nahi'. That may or may not have been the case.
This series is extremely well written and funny and you want to watch the next episode. It does not have unnecessary twists and definitely no bossom-heaving vamps. The characters are very realistic and shows the corporate jungle as it exists in India. The beauty, the flirt, the high-flier, the copy cats and the plotting dogs.
Best of all, for the first time, a series shows the real feelings of a person who is not glamourous even when wearing make-up. Even in her best clothes and 4 hours salon treatment, she really looks pretty much normal.
I am hooked to this one baby....Don't let me down YRF TV!!!
yeah I saw two episodes while I was at my Mom's.....it does have a different and brilliant script and funny too!!!