Wednesday, August 18, 2010


IQ – Ego maker or ego dasher! I used to have a good enough IQ and now that I have started working on MENSA puzzles its fallen to above average. I need to get just 1 more right to make it to the good list and I have failed so far.

Never Mind I shan’t give up! BTW it also broke another dearly held illusion, I am not as poor at Maths as I thought and I am not as good in English as I thought!

Strange how life teaches us how wrong we are about ourselves when we are young and how right our parents are when they are parents!

On the subject of IQ, there is a great movie with the very same title. It has Meg Ryan and Tim Ribbins in the lead. And portrays Albert Einstein in a human (versus Supercomputer) role, playing a matchmaker. It’s a beautiful movie, Watch It!

Meanwhile, I will try to do one better.

PS – For the uninitiated, Mensa isn’t about women’s problems!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Summer's whizzing by...

Summer is nearly at its end….The wind is getting cooler, the flowers are wilting. Time to be out and about coming to an end, unless you want to be swaddled in layers of fabric.

Time just whizzed by. And I haven’t even sated my wanderlust. Went to Maine and that’s all. Not much is it?

Oh and I completed a year of blogging. Started in July and one year’s gone. Poof! Before I know it I am (also) marching towards middle age and I don’t much like it. I am expected to behave like an aunty and I stoutly refuse. I insist on being the giddyhead, goofy grin teenager.

How do you ensure that you pop off laughing ? The best way to ensure you go out laughing is to do a lot of embarrassing things. I think I would remember (if dementia doesn’t kick in) all my foolish exploits.

For instance, I remember puncturing cycle tyres of an uptight classmate; hiding under piles of clothes to catch a thief and enjoying a good nap, while a poor relative was out searching for me. Going through all the drawers and files when dad was out (he never found me out). And these are only the decent ones.

I have done a few unconventional things (and no I aint sharing it here). It’s for my own pleasure, of course and the victims or not as the case maybe. But I enjoyed it. Haven’t been naughty in a while. Actually haven’t really found someone crazy enough! Children become so serious once they grow up. I wonder why? I for one haven’t changed and I think people secretly think me an imbecile or irresponsible or immature, even arrogant. I like that! And mind you I fiercely guard my reputation. I am becoming more crazy, if at all that was possible. Always looking for a good laugh, and that is so hard to come by. So I create my own comic scenes and exercise my gills.

Fun! But my current partner in crime (my daughter) will start full-time school from September and what will I do then?
