Saturday, January 24, 2009

Me homemaker..but do I do nothing "sitting" at home?

Disappointing to note that my opponent thinks that being a homemaker means sitting at home doing nothing but cooking and watching k serials.

That is an attitude prevalent even among women in India who are employed outside the home... Once again, it has taken the western world to recognise the role of the homemaker as the most important job in the world. And it goes unpaid too!!!

A homemaker looks after the home so that the "gainfully employed" husband can come home to a calm base (whether it remains calm or not is another topic) . She looks after the kids, ensuring that they study well, eat well and play well. In India, she also looks after the elderly in-laws (atleast thats the idea). She looks after the past, present and the future generations..all at once..

She herself however, doesnt respect her role. In the modern scheme of things, going out for a work and getting that second salary has become more important than looking after kids or parents. I am not saying working after having kids is wrong. No sir. What I feel is the future generation is compromised due to the lapse of the very Indian concept of joint family. These days we cant stay even with our own parents. So kids are pushed to day cares, out in the world, in the hands of strangers at a very early age...even before they have bonded enough with their own flesh n blood.

Solution? Perhaps one of my best friend has achieved a good balance. She works in Mumbai for an international bank. Stays with her inlaws and has arranged an apartment for her ailing parents on a floor above. She manages to look after everyone and the responsibility of bringing up her 2 yr old kid is shared by everyone. The kid gets a wholesome environment to grow up in.

But can everyone afford to make such arrangements? If not what else is out there ??????

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Why blog? Why now?

Everyone who is anyone, is blogging. Everyone who is not anyone, is also burning the e-world with random thoughts. So here! I splashed right in.

This is a world where anyone can put in a word (more would be welcome, funny would be appreciated), But be warned...this is dueling place. My main opponent being some Telugu character I have never met, called Sarath Pendalaya, who tries his inept hand at belling the CAT and succeeds 95% of the time. Besides the bells, Finance, sports, & journalism interest him. Talk about having all the time in the world. He also pretends he is half my age and double my brains. A laughable ambition, I say...

But who am I? You may call me a nerd (judging by my heavy glasses). Nopeeeee...I am just a detective fiction aficionado in love with Sherlock Holmes (the one played be Jeremy Brett only). My mission is to read the entire series of any detective character I like. Having finished with Sir Doyle's and Dame Christie's work, I am in an undesirable position of looking out for new characters, who can stimulate the grey cells & the old heart.

So here goes an attempt to electronically settle duels!. The rest of the world can take sides, oppose, depose or go fly.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My first topic for my very own blog? Cat got my..pen.!?

Now that my better half (I dispute the "better" part of the half, but thats another blog) has created a blog for me, I am at a loss..What or who should i spew my venom on? What should I write on?

The inhuman, despicable massacre in Mumbai's landmark or the greater tragedy of the city's admisnistrative eunuchs. Or the strange case of weird killings of get this - only Andhra guys & gals - mainly students, in the US. So far 8....Why only Andhra people? Why no other community from the Indian diaspora in US of A?

My meandering mind suggests the possibility of internal Andhra border political killings spilling over the States shores. Can it possible that some political wannabe is destrying the next generation opponent in foreign shores and getting away with it.

However, My dont-be-an-alarmist side says possibly and more probably US is full of Andhra students rather than the "moneybhais and bens" I had assumed. I mean the enterprising Gujjus ofcourse.

I havent met a single Gujju yet, except behind a counter. Though I havent yet gone a-visiting New Jersey, an Indian stronghold. People say the streets are exactly like India's, full of food stalls, shops and bad drivers. Americans snigger at even the Deptt of Motor Vehicle in NJ. Wonder who mans the counter at DMV? Us "garibs" or them "goras".

To be fair, I havent spent time enough in USA. Only a ayear and that spent mainly indoors or instores. Not being a student is a major disadvantage. Not being employed is even worse. I dont get a chance to interact with them Amrikis, nor they get a chance to meet a modern, progressive not money nor career minded Indian. Other delicious adjectives come to mind, but dont want to start a war of words with people who know me :) But yeah, I am nosey as hell....

My experience so far tells me US is better than UK in a zillion ways. There is a huge debate on whether it is better than India. All NRIs with a stay span of 2-5 yrs find US better. NRIs with 10 yrs plus prefer India. NRIs beyond couldnt care less where they stay as long as they can get their Americanised kids to talk to them.

I guess I will discuss (with who???? I wonder) the merits and demerits from a worldly wise point of view next blog..Ciao!!
